Aniseed Whole
Dried Flowers Market
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Oriental flavor of Aniseed on your table!
Aniseed comes from the Mediterranean - From the very beginning, people realized that they were dealing with unusual spice. This has not changed until today. Those who can use it and know what to combine with regularly return to anise seeds.
Aniseed - Health Benefits
The anise seeds, apart from the taste, also have health-promoting properties. The most important advantages are:
- improvement of digestion and metabolic changes
- help during illness. From anise seeds, you can brew very effective tea against colds and sore throats
- reduction of flatulence
- soothing effect on the entire digestive system
- beneficial effects on the skin.
Aniseed in your kitchen
Rich properties make anise seeds very popular in an increasing number of English cuisines. They can be successfully added to vinaigrettes for salads with chicken, fruit salads, compotes, liquors, hot drinks or sweet cottage cheese. All dishes with the addition of grains of anise taste characteristically, uncommonly. Some of the best known are the anise cookies, i.e. the sweet shortbread cookies with the taste of anise, which we can know from childhood. Grain anise is also a component of teas for immunity and mulled wine. It combines well with alcohol, especially dark beer and red wine. They can also be added to preserves and veggies. Sealed in a jar of apple or pear with aniseed grains will have a unique taste.
Aniseed - How to use
Grains of anise are not suitable for direct consumption. They are hard and condensed in their taste could rather discourage him if they would chew a few at once. Aniseed is best used as a spice, added in the process of baking / frying / cooking / marinating / pickling. When preparing tinctures, the seeds of anise should be poured with alcohol and other ingredients (eg honey).