Joints, Bones & Inflamation
This section offers a range of herbs, spices, and supplements specifically chosen for their properties that support healthy joints, bones, and reduce inflammation. From turmeric to ginger, these natural ingredients are known for their beneficial effects and make for a great addition to your daily routine.
Burdock Root
Introducing dried Burdock Root, the versatile and nutritious root that is a must-have in any herbal collection.Burdock Root has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its numerous health...
Bamboo Leaf Tea
Bamboo Leaf tea is a refreshing and flavorful herbal tea that has been enjoyed for centuries in Asian countries. This tea is made from the dried leaves of the bamboo...
Pau D'Arco / Lapacho Tea
Lapacho Tea, also known as Pau d'Arco, is a herbal tea made from the inner bark of the Tabebuia tree, native to South America. Lapacho Tea has a unique and delightful...
Indian Sarsaparilla Root
Dried indian sarsaparilla root, scientifically known as Sarsaparillae radix, is a plant that has been utilized for various purposes by indigenous communities in India, Central and South America for centuries1. This plant belongs...
Ginger Root
Ginger (Zingiber officinale), its edible rhizome is a spice plant, known and valued for its unusual properties in many countries of the world. In Asia, it has been described in Chinese...
Comfrey Leaf Cut
---------------------- This product has been the subject of various scientific studies. While we don’t make any health claims about our product, we encourage interested customers to explore the wealth...
Tansy Herb
Tansy flowers are an incredibly versatile herb that has been used for centuries. These beautiful yellow flowers have a unique flavor profile that is both bitter and sweet. ----------------------...
Cat's Claw / Vilcacora
Introducing Vilcacora tea, a powerful and nutritious herbal tea that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. ---------------------- This product has been the subject of various scientific studies. While we...
Horsetail Herb
Horsetail herb, also known as Equisetum arvense ---------------------- This product has been the subject of various scientific studies. While we don’t make any health claims about our product, we...
Comfrey Root
---------------------- This product has been the subject of various scientific studies. While we don’t make any health claims about our product, we encourage interested customers to explore the wealth...
Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt Epsom Salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. Named after the town of Epsom in England, where it was first found...
Meadowsweet Herb
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)The name comes from the Anglo-Saxon "meodu-swete", which means "mead sweetener". Since ancient times, it has been used to flavor mead, beer and wine.Meadowsweet is a perennial belonging...
- All Joints, Bones & Inflamation
- African Ginger
- Alligator Cane
- Amomum Zingiber
- Arctium
- Arctium lappa
- Arctium minus
- Arctium tomentosum
- Ardraka
- Arrow Bamboo
- Arundinaria japonica
- Aspartate de Magnésium
- Ass Ear
- Atomic Number 12
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Leaf Extract
- Bamboo Leaves
- Bambou
- Bambou du Japon
- Bambou Flèche
- Bambou Métaké
- Bambú
- Barbe de Bouc
- Barbe de Chèvre
- Barbotine
- Bardana
- Bardana-minor
- Bardanae Radix
- Bardane
- Bardane Comestible
- Bardane Géante
- Bardane Majeure
- Beggar's Buttons
- Bitter Buttons
- Black Ginger
- Black Root
- Blackwort
- Bottle Brush
- Bridewort
- Bruisewort
- Burdock
- Burdock Root
- Burdock Root Extract
- Burr Seed
- Buttons
- Carbonate de Magnésium
- cats
- cats claw
- Cavalinha
- Chelated Magnesium
- Chlorure de Magnésium
- Chrysanthemi Vulgaris Flos
- Chrysanthemi Vulgaris Herba
- Chrysanthemum vulgare
- Chélate de Magnésium
- Citrate de Magnésium
- claw
- Clotbur
- Coarse Himalayan Pink Salt
- Coarse Salt
- Cochin Ginger
- Cockle Buttons
- Cocklebur
- Coda Cavallina
- coffeine free
- Cola de Caballo
- Common Comfrey
- Common Horsetail
- Consolidae Radix
- Consoude
- Consoude Officinale
- Consound
- Consuelda
- Coq des Jardins
- Corn Horsetail
- Daisy
- Dimagnesium Malate
- Dolloff
- Dropwort
- Dutch Rushes
- Ecuadorian Sarsaparilla
- Edible Burdock
- Epsom Salts
- Equiseti Herba
- Equisetum
- Equisetum arvense
- Equisetum giganteum
- Equisetum hyemale
- Equisetum myriochaetum
- Equisetum telmateia
- Erva dos Vermes
- Fausse Spirée
- Field Horsetail
- Filipendula
- Filipendula ulmaria
- Filipendule
- Fleshy Grass-Tail
- Fox's Clote
- Gan Jiang
- Giant Horsetail
- Gingembre
- Gingembre Africain
- Gingembre Cochin
- Gingembre Indien
- Gingembre Jamaïquain
- Gingembre Noir
- ginger
- Ginger Essential Oil
- ginger root
- Glouteron
- Gluconate de Magnésium
- Glycinate de Magnésium
- Glycérophosphate de Magnésium
- Gobo
- Grande Bardane
- Grande Consoude
- Gray Sarsaparilla
- Great Bur
- Great Burdocks
- Great Horsetail
- Green Tea
- Griffe du Chat
- Gum Plant
- Handroanthus impetiginosus
- Happy Major
- Hardock
- Harebur
- Hawk's Claw
- Healing Herb
- herb
- Herba Equiseti
- Herbal
- herbal tea
- Herbe Am ère
- Herbe au Coq
- Herbe aux Charpentiers
- Herbe aux Teigneux
- Herbe aux Vers
- Herbe de Chartreux
- Herbe de Saint-Marc
- Herbe de Sainte-Marie
- Herbe du Bon Chasseur
- Herbe du Teigneux
- Herbe à la Coupure
- Herbe à Récurer
- Himalayan Pink Salt
- Hind Heal
- Honduras Sarsaparilla
- Horse Herb
- Horse Willow
- horsetail
- Horsetail Grass
- horsetail herb
- Horsetail Rush
- Huile Essentielle de Gingembre
- Hydroxyde de Magnésium
- Imber
- Indian Ginger
- indian sarsaparilla
- Ipe
- Ipe Roxo
- Ipes
- Jamaica Ginger
- Jamaican Sarsaparilla
- Jengibre
- Jiang
- Kankyo
- Kanshokyo
- Knitback
- Knitbone
- la pacho
- Lactate de Magnésium
- Lady of the Meadow
- Lait de Magnésium
- Langue-de-Vache
- lapacho
- Lapacho Colorado
- Lapacho Morado
- Lapacho Negro
- lapacho tea
- Lappa
- Leaves
- Liane du Pérou
- Life-giving Vine of Peru
- Liseron Piquant
- Liseron Épineux
- Love Leaves
- Lébène
- Magnesia
- Magnesia Carbonica
- Magnesia Muriatica
- Magnesia Phosphorica
- Magnesia Sulfate
- Magnesia Sulfurica
- Magnesio
- Magnesio Quelado
- Magnesium Aspartate
- Magnesium Carbonate
- Magnesium Chelate
- Magnesium Chloride
- Magnesium Citrate
- Magnesium Disuccinate Hydrate
- Magnesium Gluconate
- Magnesium Glycerophosphate
- Magnesium Glycinate
- Magnesium Hydroxide
- Magnesium Lactate
- Magnesium Malate
- Magnesium Murakab
- Magnesium Orotate
- Magnesium Oxide
- Magnesium Phosphate
- Magnesium Phosphoricum
- Magnesium Sulfate
- Magnesium Taurate
- Magnesium Taurinate
- Magnesium Trisilicate
- Magnésium
- Malate de Magnésium
- Mariée de la Prairie
- Meadow Queen
- Meadow Sweet
- Meadow-Wart
- Mexican Sarsaparilla
- Mg
- Milk of Magnesia
- Nagara
- Niu Bang Zi
- Niubang
- Numéro Atomique 12
- Oreille d'Âne
- Orelha-de-gigante
- Orotate de Magnésium
- Oxyde de Magnésium
- Paddock-Pipes
- Parsley Fern
- pau d arco
- Personata
- Peruvian Liana
- Petite Reine
- Pewterwort
- Philanthropium
- Phosphate de Magnésium
- Pink Trumpet Tree
- Prele
- Pseudosasa japonica
- Purple Lapacho
- Puzzlegrass
- Quebracho
- Queen of the Meadow
- Quelato de Magnesio
- Race Ginger
- Racine de Gingembre
- Racine de Gravier
- Radix
- Red Lapacho
- Reina de los Prados
- Reine de la Prairie
- Reine des Prés
- Rhizoma Zingiberi
- Rhizoma Zingiberis
- Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
- Rhubarbe du Diable
- root
- Salsaparilha
- Salsepareille
- Salsepareille d'Europe
- Salsepareille du Honduras
- Salsepareille du Mexique
- Salsify
- Salt
- Samento
- Sandpaper Plant
- Sarsa
- Sarsae Radix
- Sarsaparilla
- Sarsaparilla Root
- Sarsaparillae Radix
- Sarsaparillewurzel
- Sasa japonica
- Scented Fern
- Scouring Rush
- Sels d'Epsom
- Sent-Bon
- Shave Grass
- Shavegrass
- Shen Jiang
- Sheng Jiang
- Shoga
- Shokyo
- Shunthi
- Slippery Root
- Smilax
- Smilax Aristolochaefolia
- Smilax Aristolochiaefolii
- Smilax aristolochiifolia
- Smilax china
- Smilax febrifuga
- Smilax medica
- Smilax officinalis
- Smilax ornate
- Smilax regelii
- Snake Corn
- Snake Grass
- Souring Rush
- Spiraea ulmaria
- Spiraeae Flos
- Spireae Herba
- Spirée Ulmaire
- Spring Horsetail
- Srungavera
- Stinking Willie
- Sulfate de Magnésium
- Sunth
- Sunthi
- Swamp Horsetail
- Symphytum officinale
- Tabebuia avellanedae
- Tabebuia heptaphylla
- Tabebuia impetiginosa
- Tabebuia palmeri
- Taheebo
- Taheebo Tea
- Tanaceto
- Tanacetum boreale
- Tanacetum vulgare
- Tanaisie
- Tanaisie Commune
- Tanaisie Vulgaire
- Tansy
- Tansy Flower
- Tansy Herb
- Tansy Herb Cut
- tea
- Tecoma impetiginosa
- Thorny Burr
- Thé Taheebo
- Toadpipe
- Trisilicate de Magnésium
- Trumpet Bush
- Ulmaria
- Uncaria guianensis
- Uncaria tomentosa
- Uña de Gato
- vilcacora
- Vishvabheshaja
- Wallwort
- whole ginger root
- whole root
- Yadake
- Zarzaparrilla
- Zingiber officinale
- Zingiberis Rhizoma
- Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma
- Zinzeberis
- Zinziber Officinale
- Zinziber Officinalis.
- Ébène Vert
- Ébénier de Guyane